23 April 2024

Flamingos feeding in the Diep River, Woodbridge Island

Lessor / Greater flamingos feeding in the Diep River, Woodbridge Island

Lessor / Greater flamingos feeding in the Diep River, Woodbridge Island

"A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo." - Charley Harper

Encouraged to see the Lessor and Greater flamingos back (feeding and relaxing)…

The significance of these image are the fact that this is the first time I’ve noticed the flamingos in this area for the past two years. I’ve been watching them coming to this specific area for the past +- two weeks.

For those of you familiar with the area: Image was captured on the edge of the small island towards the ‘pump station’ side along Milnerton High.

For me this is a significant indicator that may be the start of replicating the ‘old days’ of seeing 30 to 40 bird species in a single morning.

Just good to see the greater flamingos feeding in of one their traditional Diep River / Woodbridge Island habitats.

Also visible in the top image: a few sleepy Pied avocets, White-breasted cormorant, Common greenshank and a feeding Black-winged stilt.

With Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens @ f/8

Sewage Problems at Milnerton Lagoon, Woodbridge Island

Greater flamingos
"Greater flamingos, scientifically known as Phoenicopterus roseus, are among the most recognizable and iconic bird species in the world. Here's some interesting information about them:

  • Appearance: They are tall, elegant birds with long necks and legs, and distinctive pink plumage. The pink coloration comes from the carotenoid pigments in the algae and crustaceans that flamingos feed on.
  • Habitat: Greater flamingos are found in various wetland habitats, including coastal lagoons, salt pans, estuaries, and shallow lakes. They are commonly seen in Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asia.
  • Behavior: Flamingos are highly social birds and often gather in large flocks, sometimes numbering in the thousands. They are known for their synchronized feeding and breeding behaviors.
  • Feeding: Their diet primarily consists of algae, small crustaceans, mollusks, and other aquatic invertebrates. They use their specialized bills to filter-feed in shallow water, stirring up mud and silt to find food.
  • Breeding: Flamingos typically breed in large colonies, often on mudflats or islands in saline or alkaline lakes. They build cone-shaped mud nests, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks.
  • Conservation: While greater flamingos are not considered globally threatened, they face various conservation challenges, including habitat loss, disturbance to breeding sites, pollution, and climate change impacts on their wetland habitats.
  • Adaptations: Their uniquely shaped bills are adapted for filter-feeding. They have rows of tiny bristles (lamellae) inside their bills, which help them filter out small food particles from the water.
  • Migratory Patterns: Greater flamingos are known to undertake seasonal migrations in search of suitable feeding and breeding grounds. Some populations may travel long distances between their breeding and wintering areas.

Overall, greater flamingos are fascinating birds with their striking appearance, intricate social structures, and adaptations for life in wetland environments." (Source: ChatGPT 2024)

Lessor / Greater flamingos feeding in the Diep River, Woodbridge Island

Woodbridge Island Bird Species Index

Canon Photography Training Milnerton Woodbridge Island | Kirstenbosch Cape Town

01 April 2024

Woodbridge Island Map for Bird Photography, Cape Town

Birds / Birds in Flight Photography Diep River | Woodbridge Island

Little Egret in Flight over the Diep River / Woodbridge Island
Little Egret in Flight over the Diep River / Woodbridge Island

Woodbridge Island Map for Birds in Flight Milnerton, Cape Town

Birds in Flight Photography Opportunities Cape Town
Best birds in flight shooting opportunities are along West Coast Drive along the the Diep River all the way into the Table Bay Nature Reserve

Bird Species at Woodbridge Island Cape Town
There are more than 200 bird species around the Rietvlei / Table Bay Nature Reserve / Woodbridge Island areas. I have captured more than 70 bird species on / around Woodbridge Island as indexed on the Vernon Chalmers Photography website.

Birds in Flight Photography Training Opportunities
Woodbridge Island offers a safe natural environment for capturing a variety of birds for the new / developing photographer in terms of focal length reach (70-300mm to 400mm lenses are adequate some great bird in flight shots).

Introduction to Advanced Birds in Flight Photography - Canon EOS DSLR / Mirrorless Training
Vernon Chalmers offer a variety of skills development options for introduction to advanced Birds in Flight Photography / Canon EOS Autofocus training - All Canon photographers with entry level Canon DSLR cameras up to the latest Canon EOS R bodies are welcome to contact Vernon Chalmers for more Birds in Flight Cape Town Skills training opportunities.

Canon Birds in Flight Photography Training Woodbridge Island Cape Town View

Gallery of Birds in Flight Photography captured at Woodbridge Island, Cape Town View

Woodbridge Island Cape Town - Google Map 

Woodbridge Island Milnerton Cape Town Map  :  Google Map / Woodbridge Island Directions Map

Vernon Chalmers Photography Studio Milnerton | Cape Town Map and Direction

Grey Heron in flight - Woodbridge Island Cape Town
Grey Heron in flight - Woodbridge Island Cape Town

Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town

Canon Photography Training Milnerton Woodbridge Island | Kirstenbosch | Intaka Island, Cape Town

Canon Camera / Lens Field Testing Service Cape Town

Canon Camera / Lens Testing Service Cape Town with Vernon Chalmers

Canon Camera / Lens Field Testing Service Cape Town
Canon Camera / Lens Testing Cape Town / Cape Peninsula

Canon EOS Camera / Lens Field Testing Service Cape Town for Enthusiast Photographers

R800-00 for up to three to four hours Field Testing (and detailed report)

Canon EOS Camera Field Testing Service Cape Town

Testing and general settings, discussion / improvement and recommendations (one Canon EOS body and up to two lenses).

Field Testing Locations
Woodbridge Island
Google Map >>


Kirstenbosch Garden (for Practical Photography Training as well )
Google Map >>

I receive a fair amount of questions from photographers that are not satisfied with Autofocus (AF) and sharpness / image quality of their Canon EOS body and specific lens pairings.

In many minds proper lens calibration is the the first (and at times the only) solution that most photographers think about after spending countless hours on their own in trying to fix this problem.

Calibration Options
Calibration can be done by the photographer via an in-camera Autofocus Micro Adjustment (AFMA) procedure (if the body is embedded with this function - only higher-end enthusiast / professional bodies will have this option). There are different calibration software options available than can be used for doing your own AFMA or you can go to i.e. ORMS who offers a lens calibration service of +- R2 500 (per lens). Please verify the exact cost with the an ORMS service department near you.

I understand this frustration many photographers experience and for many of  my photography clients I offer assistance in the form of Field Testing various body / lens pairings (as part of the specific camera . photography training they are doing).

Field Testing Objective
Field Testing is the identification of focus problems, possible sharpness and other image quality issues that may be the result of improper AF application and general exposure settings for a variety of genres / subjects during a practical photography application session. Field Testing is not a replacement for / alternative to lens calibration. Calibration may be an option after field testing if the recommended settings and adjustments does not meet expectations.

Canon EOS Camera Field Testing Service Cape Town
Canon EOS Camera Field Testing Service Cape Town

Field Testing Performance / Sharpness Standards
With more than 10 years of experience with many different Canon EOS / EOS R bodies and EF / RF lenses I have a good understanding what the AF and sharpness standards of these body / lens pairings should be.

Personally, I have never required the need for any lens calibrations (on any of my Canon EOS bodies / EF lenses) and it is very seldom that I recommend lens calibration of any kind - as most of the problems are solved with proper AF / exposure settings.

Instead of carrying out meticulous and time consuming lens testing (and possible tuning) with test charts I prefer Field Testing - where the camera / lens will ultimately be used. Evaluation of Field Testing via a thorough Adobe Lightroom image analysis should be substantial evidence for providing insight of AF performance and expected sharpness / or lack of sharpness.

In my opinion a thorough Field Testing session would be able to identify any possible calibration requirements (should there indeed be a definite AF / sharpness issues). Most of the time it is a combination of improper AF/ exposure settings and other in-camera settings. 

Field Testing Procedure
This is a walk around here at Woodbridge Island or Kirstenbosch Garden with the photographer and his / her lens pairing(s) concentrating on various subjects to replicate general conditions where different ISO's, Apertures and Shutter Speeds are applied in relations to various AF Mode settings. Field Testing results will depend on AF Mode selection, weather conditions and distance to subject. On return to my photography training studio after the Field Testing I will go through the images on Adobe Lightroom with the photographer for initial AF / sharpness result observation.

Field Testing Report
At the end of the Field Testing I prepare a report which will be discussed / sent to the photographer. In this report I will evaluate different images against my own benchmark expectation of what sharpness (and other criteria) should be. Further recommendations will be offered in terms of AF and exposure settings - and if I think calibration should be considered for improved sharpness (or other improvements).

Please Note: Field Testing is not an empirical analysis of a specific body / lens pairing, but rather the in-field analysis of sensing the handling of such a pairing against acceptable (and ideal exposure ito sharpness, AF performance and other user criteria / concerns).  

Contact Me for more information / scheduling an appointment

© Vernon Chalmers Photography

Canon EOS Camera Field Testing Service Cape Town
Canon EOS Camera Field Testing Service Cape Town

Canon Photography Training Milnerton Woodbridge Island | Kirstenbosch Cape Town.