21 July 2022

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm L Lens - Constantia Cape Town

Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens (and Canon Extension Tube)
During this morning's training we ‘focussed’ on larger apertures photographing wild flowers in the morning sun. The sun may have been a little high (bright / over-exposing areas of the flowers) for this type of photography training (but, we had to get through some aperture theory first).

While my client was experimenting with various larger apertures I took quick advantage of the time / light to take a couple of snapshots with my setup.

Advantage of an Extension Tube:
It reduced the minimum focus distance (MFD) between the lens and the subject. Not to be confused with a close-up lens filter. The close-up filter also functions with the Autofocus / other electronics of the camera and lens / paring. I personally find the extension tube to be more effective for this type of photography (and easier to use) than the lens close-up filter (with more of a objective to act as n pseudo macro lens).

It can take a while to become comfortable using an extension tube / or close-up lens filter ito distance and what apertures to use.

It can be a very cost-effective addition for ‘close-up’ work in reasonable light. It is much cheaper to use an extension tube that to purchase a macro lens, especially if you’re only going yo use a macro lens a few times a year.

Advantage of using a Full Frame camera for Flower Photography:
Due to its larger sensor compered to the APS-C (crop) sensor it captures more light and provides more background blur. The quality of the background blur (bokeh) should also render superior results than an APS-C (crop) sensor - depending on the lens used.

An APS-C (crop sensor) could have its own advantages of creating more magnification (as my client experimented with). This will depend on the (quality / focal length) of the lens used.

Apertures used with the attached flowers
  • Image 1 = f/5.6
  • Image 2 = f/11
  • Image 3 = f/5.6
  • Image 4 = f/5.6
  • Image 5 = f/8
  • Image 6 = f/9
  • Image 7 = f/6.5

Canon Equipment Used
  • Canon EOS 6D (Full Frame body)
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM Lens
  • Canon Extension Tune EF 25 II
  • Lens IS / Handheld

See image of Canon Gear after the flower images

Minor corrections / cropping using Adobe Lightroom

All images © Vernon Chalmers (Constantia, Cape Town)

Last image was photographed at Paddocks, Milnerton

Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town
Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flower Paddocks with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography : Wild Flower Paddocks, Milnerton

Bee on Wild Flower Arnhem Milnerton
Canon Photography : Bee on Wild Flower Arnhem Milnerton

Canon Camera used for Constantia, Cape Town and Paddocks, Milnerton Wild Flowers

Canon EOS 6D (with Extension Tube) used for Constantia and Paddocks, Milnerton Wild Flowers
Canon EOS 6D (with Extension Tube) used for Close-Up Wild Flowers

Canon EOS / Canon EOS R / Powershot Photography Training Milnerton Woodbridge Island | Kirstenbosch Cape Town | Across the Cape Peninsula

All Images Copyright / Intellectual Property of Vernon Chalmers More Information >>

20 July 2022

Purple heron at the Pond - The Paddocks Shopping Centre

Purple Heron : Paddocks Milnerton, Cape Town

Purple heron  at the Pond - Paddocks Shopping Centre
Purple heron getting ready to fly

Purple Heron
Over the weekend I made reference to a purple heron in flight on the Birdlife South Africa Facebook Group (in flight – against the backdrop of Table Mountain) that they rather keep to themselves. Over the years I have had few opportunities to see them close-up and always ended up photographing them in flight.

I’ve never seen a purple heron not in flight – here we have a purple heron next to a small pond close to The Paddocks Shopping Centre in Millerton (about 5 km’s from where I see / photograph them overhead at Woodbridge Island).

This was a long-range record shot with a 'close-up' camera kit predominantly setup for flower photography, but was pleased to see the heron next to the pond – also concerned that they venture into busy suburban (traffic / people) areas. At least the small park is fairly well maintained.

The Paddocks Milnerton Bird Species Index >>

Canon Kit Used:
  • Canon EOS 6D
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L ISM USM Lens (Just managed to remove the extension tube in time)

Exposure Settings:
  • Av Mode
  • Aperture: f/5.6
  • Shutter Speed: 1/400s
  • Focal length: 300mm

© Vernon Chalmers Photography

09 July 2022

Brief Interpretation: Vernon Chalmers Photography Copyright

Vernon Chalmers Photography Copyright / Intellectual Property wrt Photography Images
Vernon Chalmers Photography Image Copyright / Intellectual Property
Vernon Chalmers Photography Image Copyright / Intellectual Property

Vernon Chalmers Photography Image Copyright / Intellectual Property

No Vernon Chalmers Photography image may be used on any on / and or offline media except for the following two conditions:

1. Commercial / Non-Commercial Image Licencing
The only companies currently allowed to use Vernon Chalmers Photography images for their promotional purposes (on any of their own media / stakeholder media) are Canon South Africa and National Geographic.

2. Requests for image use (with Copyright still retained by Vernon Chalmers Photography)
From time to time I do consider requests for the use of Vernon Chalmers Photography images (with required copyright identification) for non-commercial purposes. This is only granted to my own photography (training) clients for non-commercial projects that is also supported by me.

Vernon Chalmers Photography images Shared on Facebook (other online platforms)
Sharing of images ‘as is’ in its default / embedded format publication on i.e. Facebook is allowed. No Vernon Chalmers Photography image may be cut / extracted / removed (and used elsewhere) for personal or commercial use from the default sharing format as provided by Meta / Facebook.

Crediting of Vernon Chalmers Photography Images
Crediting a Vernon Chalmers / Vernon Chalmers Photography image on any on and / offline publication does not constitute the right to publish / use any Vernon Chalmers Photography image - except where written permission was explicitly granted (and on record).

Legal Consequences   
Using any Vernon Chalmers Photography image without written permission / consent is illegal and will be brought to my legal representation’s immediate attention for Copyright and Intellectual Property infringement(s).  

Copyright / Intellectual Property Policy Index:
  • Summary
  • Copyright / Intellectual Property Protection
  • Drawing, Tracing and Sketching
  • Image Locations
  • Image Copyright and Media / Press Releases
  • Images for Canon South Africa
  • Crediting of Vernon Chalmers Photography Images
  • Images not For Sale
  • Sharing images on Social Media
  • Using images without permission
  • Contact Vernon Chalmers
© Symbol Image: Copyright Free from Pixabay

07 July 2022

Update on Copyright and Intellectual Property Law

Update on Vernon Chalmers Copyright and Intellectual Property Law Interpretations
Copyright and Intellectual Property Right Services
Copyright and Intellectual Property Right Services

Copyright and Intellectual Property Law Modules to be added to Vernon Chalmers Photography Training Workshops 

I am in the process of considering / communicating with an internationally recognised and leading African law firm who specialises in Copyright / Intellectual Property Law, not only for representing me (as a photographer), but if required will also offer appropriate legal / litigation services to my photography training clients (when any of their images are used without permission or consent).

Furthermore, all future Vernon Chalmers Photography Training group workshops (not one-on-one private training) will have an integrated Copyright and Intellectual Property module facilitated by Copyright / Intellectual Property legal practitioners from this law firm to facilitate image Copyright and Intellectual Property law to delegates.

In my one-on-on private training I will facilitate Copyright and / or Intellectual Property fundamentals and concerns to the point where professional legal assistance is required. If required, a designated legal advisor /  practitioner will be available to assist the photographer with possible litigation et al.

Copyright Infringement Warning to South African Photographers

© Symbol Image: Copyright Free from Pixabay

05 July 2022

Wet and Dusty Roads Using an Image Without Permission

Copyright Infringement : Vernon Chalmers Image Used Without Permission 
Copyright Infringement: Wet and Dusty Roads website using a Vernon Chalmers Grey Heron Image Without Permission
Wet and Dusty Roads website using a Vernon Chalmers Photography Grey Heron Image Without Permission

Photography Copyright Infringement

Wet and Dusty Roads : Camino Stories & Other Journeys (Using an image without permission)

It came to my attention that the Wet and Dusty Roads website at www.wetanddustyroads.com is using a Vernon Chalmers Grey Heron image captured at Woodbridge Island Milnerton, Cape Town without permission.

When visiting the Wet and Dusty Roads website the Vernon Chalmers Grey Heron image photographed at Woodbridge Island Milnerton, Cape Town image is located on the following
URL: https://wetanddustyroads.com/2022/06/09/langebaan-to-east-london

Wet and Dusty Roads Website Using a Vernon Chalmers Image Without Permission
Wet and Dusty Roads Website Using an Image Without Permission

Grey Heron at Woodbridge Island Milnerton, Cape Town Used by the Wet and Dusty Roads Website Without the Permission / Knowledge of the Photographer (Vernon Chalmers)

Vernon Chalmers Photography Copyright Policy
Vernon Chalmers Photography Copyright Policy

Copyright Infringement Warning to South African Photographers

© Symbol Image: Copyright Free from Pixabay

01 July 2022

Importance of Flight Direction and the Position of the Sun

Bird Flight Direction and the Position of the Sun in Bird Photography

Egyptian Goose : Importance of flight direction and the position of the sun
Egyptian goose at Woodbridge Island with limited shadows

Predominantly For Birds in Flight Photography

Birds in Flight Photography Examples At Woodbridge Island, Cape Town. The majority of birds in flight I photograph are flying towards me (with morning sun at my back) - this is important for two reasons:  
  • Eliminates most of the bird's own distracting shadows under wings and other areas
  • Enhances eye and feather detail - especially with head and eyes that are the same colour

Birds in Flight Photography Examples
Water thick-knee and the blacksmith plover are flying from left to right (towards the sun), with both showing limited shadows and the available direct light providing more definition on the eye and head colours. 

Yellow-billed duck is flying from right to left (away from the sun) with a clear shadow in front of the left wing.

Red-eyed dove and the Egyptian goose (top) are flying from right to left (away from the sun), but fortunately the head and movement is turned towards the left and most of the possible wing / other shadows are limited.

Just something to think about for those of you still finding your feet (and focus) with birds in flight photography.

Setup and Tips For Birds in Flight Photography View

Tracking Variables for Improved Birds in Flight Photography View

Water Thick-Knee flying from Left to Right - Image Copyright Vernon Chalmers
Water Thick-Knee flying from Left to Right : Source:Tracking Variables for Improved Birds in Flight Photography

Blacksmith Plover flying from Left to Right - image Copyright Vernon Chalmers
Blacksmith Plover flying from Left : Source: Tracking Variables for Birds in Flight Photography

Yellow-Billed Duck flying from Right to Left - Image Copyright Vernon Chalmers
Yellow-Billed Duck flying from Right to Left : Setup and Tips for Improved Birds in Flight Photography

Red Eyed Dove flying from Right to Left : Setup and Tips for Improved Birds in Flight Photography

Canon EOS 7D Mark II Birds in Flight Photography Gallery View

Birds in Flight Photography Training Cape Town View

Birds in Flight Photography with Canon EOS 70D

Birds in Flight Photography at Woodbridge Island with the Canon EOS 70D

Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens

Birds in Flight: Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM Lens

For many photographers the versatile 70-300mm lens is the longest lens in their bags.

This should not be a disadvantage for getting around for some birds in flight photography. Yes, on an APS-C Crop sensor (or Full Frame) camera a 400mm+ lens becomes the ultimate requirement for some photographers.

For the occasional bird in flight the humble 70-300mm lens should render acceptable results.
Preparation for Birds in Flight Photography Training
I frequently get questions on what the 'best' focal lens length is for shooting Birds in Flight at Woodbridge Island, Cape Town (where I facilitate the Birds in Flight Photography Training practicals).

My response: it will depend if you're shooting with a Full Frame or an APS-C (Crop) DSLR body. For most bodies the focal length of 300 - 600mm generally works best. (The detail and differences are generally / more specifically discussed and demonstrated during my Birds in Flight Photography private training / workshops.

Also read: Canon EOS 70D for Birds in flight Photography (with images)

There is also the question of prime vs zoom lenses? I generally prefer a 400mm prime lens (non-zoom) lens on a crop body for Birds in Flight. My current DSLR body choice is the Canon EOS 7D Mark II with its fast and very effective Autofocus system. (Prime vs zoom lens options will also be discussed during the workshop).

Many photographers attending or are interested in the Birds in Flight workshops also ask the question: Is it possible to shoot Birds in Flight with a 70-300mm zoom lens?

To answer this question I went out with a Canon EOS 70D (crop body) and a EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens and captured a few Birds in Flight at Woodbridge Island under the same conditions / settings as I would when shooting with Canon EOS 7D Mark II / Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM prime lens.

Herewith a selection of 7 images captured during one shoot.

All with Canon EOS 70D / Canon EF 70-300mm lens f/4.5.6L IS USM Lens at 300mm

For photographers interested in attending the Birds in Flight Workshop at Intaka Island / Woodbridge Island, Cape Town with 'only' a 70-300mm lens - I'm confident that you will be more than OK with your 70-300mm zoom lens (considering reasonable light / technique and some patience).

If you're still not sure of your setup, don't hesitate to Contact Me

(Click to Enlarge)
Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
Sandwich Tern: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - Canon EOS 70D

Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
Oystercatcher:  Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - Canon EOS 70D

Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
Little Egret: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - Canon EOS 70D

Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
Egyptian Goose: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - Canon EOS 70D

Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
Pied Kingfisher: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - Canon EOS 70D

White-Breasted Cormorant: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - EOS 70D
White-Breasted Cormorant: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - EOS 70D

Birds in Flight with Canon EOS 70D / EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens
African Ibis: Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town - Canon EOS 70D

Birdwatching / Bird Life Photography Millerton Lagoon and Woodbridge Island

Canon EOS 7D Mark II First Impressions - Birds in flight Photography Cape Town View

Canon EOS 80D First Impressions - Birds in flight Photography Cape Town View

The Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM 'Nifty Fifty' Lens 

The humble 50mm f/1.8 lens "Nifty Fifty"
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens

Almost all delegates and clients attending my photography training will have a 50mm lens in their camera bags. A 50mm lens is often bundled when a new entry-level DSLR camera is purchased.

Many photographers never use them as the fixed focal length (50mm) is a perceived challenge compared to the 18-55mm / 18-135mm / 24-70mm / 24-105mm focal length lenses.

One key specifications of these lenses is the fact that it offers a super-wide aperture of f/1.8 and it can be used up to f/22. Most of these consumer 50mm lenses are very sharp ito image quality across the aperture range.

All Canon 50mm lenses are compatible with both Full Frame and APS-C (Crop) bodies and will be effective in low light between f/1,8 - f/5.6).

The lens focal lenght is useful for people and animal portraits, close-up flowers and some narrower landscapes.

Various brands of consumer 50mm lenses (as cheap as +- R1 850) should be available for Canon / Nikon mount.

Herewith some examples: The first image images are from my workshop demonstration series and will show the lens used at f/1.8 / f/5.6 / f/16. Body Use Canon EOS 70D (APS-C). 50mm lens used: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM. Full series of images are available here.

On the crop body the lens becomes an effective 80mm lens. The focal length of lens is still 50mm, but the crop sensor provides for am 1.6x magnification. Hence the 80mm (1.6 x 50mm). Exif data in post processing will still show 50mm.

The Depth of Field (background blurriness effect) will become less and less shallow as the aperture is adjusted from i.e. f/1.8 to f/16. Most 50mm lenses will produce a very shallow depth of field between f/1,8 and f/5.6. Note: f/1.8 is not always the most effective aperture to use - it will depend on the area(s) the photographer want in focus.

The f/1.8 to f/5.6 range provides a very effective background blur (depending on distances between photographer, subject and background).

The fourth image was captured with the full frame Canon EOS 6D in rainy / poor light conditions at f/1.8. 50mm lens used: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM,

The last image was captured with crop body EOS 700D and the older EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens at f/5.6 and quite a large crop from the original image).

Aperture testing with Canon EOS 70D / EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens
Aperture testing with Canon EOS 70D / EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens

Aperture testing with Canon EOS 6D / EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens
Aperture testing with Canon EOS 6D / EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens

Aperture testing with Canon EOS 700D / EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens
Aperture testing with Canon EOS 700D / EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens

Close-Up Photography: Canon EOS 6D / EF 50mm STM Lens View

Canon Extension Tube EF25 II on a Zoom Lens

Canon Extension Tube EF25 II paired with EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM lens

Testing the Canon Extension Tube EF25 II On Tiny Flowers - Cape Town
With Canon Extension Tube EF25 II

Testing the Canon Extension Tube EF25 II Canon EOS 6D DSLR / EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM lens

An extension tube is a cost-effective hollow tube that increase magnification of subject / decrease minimum focus distance between lens and subject. It does not replace a macro lens, but works well for bringing smaller subjects closer.

There are various brands on the market. The Canon tubes are designed to work on Canon EOS DSLRs with either a Canon EF or EF-S lens.

The magnification effectiveness will depend on the focal length of the lens used. The extension tube fits between the DSLR body and lens to increase subject magnification. Although not true macro magnification it is very useful for smaller subjects (in the absence of a dedicated macro lens). 

Wild Flowers with Extension Tube EF35 II at Constantia, Cape Town >> 

Extension Tube Shooting Location
Arnhem Milnerton, Cape Town

Canon DSLR / Lens / Extension Tube

  • Canon EOS 6D DSLR camera body 
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM lens 
  • Canon Extension Tube EF25 II

Av Mode - Aperture Priority Settings

  • Aperture f/5.6 - f/11 
  • ISO 100 - 640 
  • Lens Autofocus on 
  • Shutter speed: various (auto in Av mode) 
  • All images handheld without flash

More about the Canon Extension Tube EF25 II & Product Images

A quick look at the Extension Tube option for Close-Up Photography

A quick look at the Extension Tube option for Close-Up Photography

Canon Professional Network / The Digital Picture EOS Magazine
Canon Professional Network / The Digital Picture EOS Magazine

Using a Telephoto Zoom Lens for Close-Up Photography
Using a Telephoto Zoom Lens for Close-Up Photography

(Click to Enlarge / Slideshow)
Testing the Canon Extension Tube EF25 II On Tiny Flowers - Cape Town
Canon EOS 6D / 70-300mm Lens / Extension Tube

Testing the Canon Extension Tube EF25 II On Tiny Flowers - Cape Town
Canon EOS 6D / 70-300mm Lens / Extension Tube

Testing the Canon Extension Tube EF25 II On Tiny Flowers - Cape Town
Canon EOS 6D / 70-300mm Lens / Extension Tube

Representing Cape Town / SA Tourism with Zeitz MOCAA Image

Vernon Chalmers Photography for National Geographic

Explore Epic South Africa - Image from the National Geographic / South Africa Tourism Publication
Image: From the National Geographic Your Shot Publication

Copyright: Vernon Chalmers for National Geographic / SA Tourism board 

Explore Epic South Africa : National Geographic

Proudly representing Cape Town / South African Tourism as a National Geographic Your Shot Partner Photographer.

My photo visit to the Zeitz MOCAA Museum - V&A Waterfront Cape Town (with Joseph Inns) was recently recognized with the publication of two images by National Geographic for the South African Tourism in promoting our beautiful country.

Publication: Explore Epic South Africa (National Geographic / SA Tourism Board)

Zeithz MOCCA -  V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 
A vast, disused grain silo complex overlooking Cape Town’s historic, working harbor now holds the world’s largest museum for contemporary African art. Spread over nine floors, the Zeitz MOCAA has 80 galleries and a cathedral-like atrium, carved from the silo’s original storage tubes: an incredible transformation that honors the old, while giving center stage to the new.

"Up The Silos at the Zeits MOCCA - V&A Waterfront, Cape Town

Vernon Chalmers Zeiyhs MOCCA Museum Image from the National Geographic / South Africa Tourism Publication
Vernon Chalmers Zeitz MOCCA Museum Image from the National Geographic / South Africa Tourism Publication

Canon camera used: Canon EOS 6D / EF 16-35mm lens (Auto-ISO / f/11 / handheld)

Link to my Zeitz MOCAA Museum images here on my website

Link to the National Geographic / SA Tourism Publication

South African Travel Destinations in the National Geographic / South African Tourism Publication
  • Driekop, Northern Cape
  • Hermanus, Western Cape
  • Hole In The Wall, Eastern Cape
  • Howich, Kwazulu-Natal
  • Mpumalanga Drakensberg
  • Mwene Valley, Drakensberg
  • Nambiti Private Game Reserve, Ladysmith
  • Port Edward, Kwazulu-Natal
  • Shakaland, Kwazulu-Natal
  • Table Mountain, Cape Town
  • Table View, Cape Town
  • Zeitz MOCCA Museum, V&A Waterfront Cape Town