21 July 2022

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm L Lens - Constantia Cape Town

Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens (and Canon Extension Tube)
During this morning's training we ‘focussed’ on larger apertures photographing wild flowers in the morning sun. The sun may have been a little high (bright / over-exposing areas of the flowers) for this type of photography training (but, we had to get through some aperture theory first).

While my client was experimenting with various larger apertures I took quick advantage of the time / light to take a couple of snapshots with my setup.

Advantage of an Extension Tube:
It reduced the minimum focus distance (MFD) between the lens and the subject. Not to be confused with a close-up lens filter. The close-up filter also functions with the Autofocus / other electronics of the camera and lens / paring. I personally find the extension tube to be more effective for this type of photography (and easier to use) than the lens close-up filter (with more of a objective to act as n pseudo macro lens).

It can take a while to become comfortable using an extension tube / or close-up lens filter ito distance and what apertures to use.

It can be a very cost-effective addition for ‘close-up’ work in reasonable light. It is much cheaper to use an extension tube that to purchase a macro lens, especially if you’re only going yo use a macro lens a few times a year.

Advantage of using a Full Frame camera for Flower Photography:
Due to its larger sensor compered to the APS-C (crop) sensor it captures more light and provides more background blur. The quality of the background blur (bokeh) should also render superior results than an APS-C (crop) sensor - depending on the lens used.

An APS-C (crop sensor) could have its own advantages of creating more magnification (as my client experimented with). This will depend on the (quality / focal length) of the lens used.

Apertures used with the attached flowers
  • Image 1 = f/5.6
  • Image 2 = f/11
  • Image 3 = f/5.6
  • Image 4 = f/5.6
  • Image 5 = f/8
  • Image 6 = f/9
  • Image 7 = f/6.5

Canon Equipment Used
  • Canon EOS 6D (Full Frame body)
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM Lens
  • Canon Extension Tune EF 25 II
  • Lens IS / Handheld

See image of Canon Gear after the flower images

Minor corrections / cropping using Adobe Lightroom

All images © Vernon Chalmers (Constantia, Cape Town)

Last image was photographed at Paddocks, Milnerton

Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town
Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flowers with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography Flower Training Constantia, Cape Town

Wild flower Paddocks with Canon EOS 6D / EF 70-300mm lens and Extension Tube
 Canon Photography : Wild Flower Paddocks, Milnerton

Bee on Wild Flower Arnhem Milnerton
Canon Photography : Bee on Wild Flower Arnhem Milnerton

Canon Camera used for Constantia, Cape Town and Paddocks, Milnerton Wild Flowers

Canon EOS 6D (with Extension Tube) used for Constantia and Paddocks, Milnerton Wild Flowers
Canon EOS 6D (with Extension Tube) used for Close-Up Wild Flowers

Canon EOS / Canon EOS R / Powershot Photography Training Milnerton Woodbridge Island | Kirstenbosch Cape Town | Across the Cape Peninsula

All Images Copyright / Intellectual Property of Vernon Chalmers More Information >>