17 July 2016

Canon EOS Camera Book Recommendations Cape Town

I currently use the Canon EOS 6D, Canon EOS 7D Mark II and the Canon EOS 70D DSLR's as my go-to photography bodies (paired with a variety of  Canon EF consumer and professional lenses).

Snapshots to Great Shots Book Series
Before acquiring any of the Canon EOS bodies I did extensive research in terms of the detailed specifications, functions and other body-specific criteria. Soon after getting each body I also acquired the relevant 'From Snapshots to Great Shots' series book to learn more - and as future reference guide (together with the Canon user guides).

I have found these books of great assistance and made detailed recommendations on my Canon Camera News website. Each Canon EOS book below will have a link to the more detailed recommendation.

On all the original book recommendation pages are useful links to a variety of other online camera / photographic resources (specific to each of the three Canon EOS bodies). 

Availability (Hard Copy / Kindle / PDF)
The From Snapshots to Great Shots series should be available from Orms (Cape Town / Bellville), most local Cape Town book retailers and / or online retailers such as AmazonPeachpit and Takealot.

Canon EOS 6D: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots' By Colby Brown
Canon EOS 6D : Book Front Cover *
Canon EOS 6D: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots'
By Colby Brown 2013

This book is highly recommended for current or prospective Canon EOS 6D owners: It's an insightful blend of the camera's features, photographic instruction and general / advanced reference guide.

My interest areas with the Canon EOS 6D:

  • Events photography
  • Fireworks photography
  • Landscape photography
  • Long exposure / night photography

Main Canon lens pairings:
  • Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM lens
  • Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM lens
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM lens

Read full Recommendation>>

Canon EOS 7D Mark II: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots' By Jeff Revell
Canon EOS 7D Mark II  : Book Front Cover *
Canon EOS 7D Mark II: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots'
By Jeff Revell 2015

This book is recommended for current or prospective Canon EOS 7D Mark II owners: It explains the Canon EOS 7D Mark II's basic to advanced features with detailed photographic instruction and EXIF data - Aperture / ISO / Shutter Speed information from in-camera together with selected lens focal length.

My interest areas with the Canon EOS 7D Mark II
  • Action photography
  • Birds in Flight photography
  • Perched birds / flowers (close-ups)

Main Canon lens pairings:
  • Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM lens

Read full Recommendation>>

Canon EOS 70D: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots' By Nicole S. Young
Canon EOS 70D : Book Front Cover *
Canon EOS 70D: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots'
By Nicole S. Young 2014

This book is highly recommended to all current or prospective Canon EOS 70D owners: It explains the Canon EOS 70D's features with detailed photographic instruction and EXIF data - Aperture / ISO / Shutter Speed information from in-camera together with selected lens focal length.

My interest areas with the Canon EOS 7OD
  • Action photography
  • Birds in Flight photography
  • Events photography
  • Macro photography

Main Canon lens pairings:
  • Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM lens
  • Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro lens
  • Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM lens
  • Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens

Read full Recommendation>>

Visit the Vernon Chalmers Photography Book Recommendations section for more.

For Cape Town Photography Workshops visit Vernon Chalmers Photography Workshops.

* Book Cover Images: From Vernon Chalmers Personal Hard Copies

01 July 2016

Little Egret In The Sun - Woodbridge Island, Cape Town

A lonesome Little Egret flying around the Diep River / Woodbridge Island Cape Town earlier this morning. A crisp almost winters morning with slight fog patches across the water.

 All photos by Vernon Chalmers with Canon EOS 7D Mark II / Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens (Handheld). Manual mode: ISO 500 - 1000 / f/6.3 1/5000s

(Click to Enlarge)
Little Egret : Canon EOS 7D Mark II / 400mm Lens Woodbridge Island

Little Egret : Canon EOS 7D Mark II / 400mm Lens Woodbridge Island

Little Egret : Canon EOS 7D Mark II / 400mm Lens Woodbridge Island

Little Egret : Canon EOS 7D Mark II / 400mm Lens Woodbridge Island

Little Egret : Canon EOS 7D Mark II / 400mm Lens Woodbridge Island

Canon EOS 7D Mark II - Birds in Flight Photography Galley
Canon EOS 7D Mark II - Birds in Flight Photography Gallery

Pied Kingfishers Fooling Around - Woodbridge Island, Cape Town

Two pied king fishers sharing a few moments above the Milnerton Lagoon, Woodbridge Island. I generally don't capture birds in flight with a blue sky / into the sun view, but could not resist these happy kingfishers,

All photos by Vernon Chalmers with Canon EOS 7D Mark II / Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens. (Manual Mode: f6.3 / ISO 800 / 1/5000s / 10 fps / AI Servo / Handheld).

(Click to Enlarge)
Pied Kingfisher - Canon EOS 7D Mark II Woodbridge Island
Pied Kingfishers in Flight  - Canon EOS 7D Mark II Woodbridge Island, Cape Town

Pied Kingfisher - Canon EOS 7D Mark II Woodbridge Island
Pied Kingfishers in Flight  - Canon EOS 7D Mark II Woodbridge Island, Cape Town

Pied Kingfisher - Canon EOS 7D Mark II Woodbridge Island
Pied Kingfishers in Flight - Canon EOS 7D Mark II Woodbridge Island, Cape Town

Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town
Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town