12 December 2015

Upcoming reviews on two Scott Kelby Digital Photography books

Over the next two weeks or so I will be working my way through two Digital Photography books by American photographer / author Scott Kelby. "The Best Digital Photography Book Series' is a brand new book by this author of many top-selling digital photography books. I will post the link to the reviews once completed.

The Best Digital Photography Book Photo Recipes Scott KelbyThe Best Digital Photography Book Series Scott Kelby

I've already worked my way through most of Kelby's older Digital Photography books and these are reviewed / recommended on with a host of camera / photography books on my Canon Camera News website.

Many of the books are non-Canon and purely selected for specific photographic learning purposes (ie. exposure / landscape / macro / night / food / portrait photography). Most of these are from the very popular "From Snapshots to Great Shots" series published by Peachpit Press (available via local retail and / online).

Link to the reviews / recommendations Canon Camera News

More on Photography Workshops Cape Town Vernon Chalmers Photography Workshops

11 December 2015

Restoration of the Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island

New: Visual Update of the Wooden Bridge April 2019

Restoration of the Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island

On my early morning walkabout around Woodbridge Island I spotted this City of Cape Town sign signaling their intention of restoring the historic wooden bridge.

A few images of the Wooden Bridge / Woodbridge Island Before Restoration >>

From the sign:

Restoration Of The Historic Wooden Bridge At Woodbridge Island, Milnerton

The intention of the City of Cape Town is to restore the historic wooden bridge located between Marine Drive and Woodbridge Island, crossing the Diep River Estuary. Restoration of the bridge is required so than it can once again be used for its intended purpose as a pedestrian bridge. The City of Cape Town is the property owner and is therefore responsible for the maintenance and the upkeep of the bridge.

The wooden bridge is a national heritage site. The bridge was previously closed in 1990 and in 1995 re-opened for use by pedestrians. However, in 2007, the bridge was once again closed. The closures of the bridge have been as a result of the ongoing deterioration of the timber elements.

Exploration of the foundations will be carried out in December 2015 to determine the extend of restoration and rehabilitation that is required.

Please note that an Environmental Management Programme, approved by the Local Authority, is being implemented for all works that will be required to rehabilitate the bridge. The Environmental Partnership will be monitoring this site to ensure adherence to the Environmental Management Programme.

The Environmental Partnership

PO BOX 945
Cape Town 8000

Tel: 021 422 0999
Fax: 021 422 0998

Email: info@enviropart.co.za

Restoration of the Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island
The Current Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island After Sunset
Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island Cape Town

History of Milnerton / Woodbridge Island
From 1897 - 1980 
History of Milnerton