12 December 2015

Upcoming reviews on two Scott Kelby Digital Photography books

Over the next two weeks or so I will be working my way through two Digital Photography books by American photographer / author Scott Kelby. "The Best Digital Photography Book Series' is a brand new book by this author of many top-selling digital photography books. I will post the link to the reviews once completed.

The Best Digital Photography Book Photo Recipes Scott KelbyThe Best Digital Photography Book Series Scott Kelby

I've already worked my way through most of Kelby's older Digital Photography books and these are reviewed / recommended on with a host of camera / photography books on my Canon Camera News website.

Many of the books are non-Canon and purely selected for specific photographic learning purposes (ie. exposure / landscape / macro / night / food / portrait photography). Most of these are from the very popular "From Snapshots to Great Shots" series published by Peachpit Press (available via local retail and / online).

Link to the reviews / recommendations Canon Camera News

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