09 December 2022

Flamingos returning to the Milnerton Lagoon

Encouraging News : Flamingos Returning to the Milnerton Lagoon, Woodbridge Island

Flamingos returning to the Milnerton Lagoon
Greater Flamingos Milnerton Lagoon (2015)

With the ongoing sewage / poor water conditions in the Milnerton Lagoon opposite Woodbridge Island I have witnessed (9/12/2022) larger pods of greater flamingos than usual during this miserable and extended period.

Hopefully this is a sign of improved water conditions due to current interventions at the Potsdam Wastewater Treatment plant (and other areas along the Diep River / Table Bay Nature Reserve).

The larger flamingo numbers could also just perhaps be random due to current weather / lower wind conditions here – hopefully it’s a (sustainable) combination of positive human intervention and weather conditions across the area.

Update: 'Fearless Flamingos'
I received an important comment / update from one of my readers on my Vernon Chalmers Photography Training Facebook Page / and my posting on Birdlife South Africa's Facebook Group re the flamingo's tolerance for poor water quality. Also, all other posts on Facebook re the 'returning flamingos' now offers this update.

Flamingo species are tolerant of extremely poor water quality - as published by The Observer "Africa’s most toxic lakes are a paradise for fearless flamingos" (Source: The Conversation)

Current Pollution / Sewage Situation at Milnerton Lagoon, Woodbridge Island
Since 2016 / 2017 we have seen a definite decline in the abundance of bird species / and general bird life around the Diep River, Milnerton Lagoon and Table Bay Nature Reserve area. 

As a bird photographer residing here (and training other bird photographers) around the Milnerton Lagoon / Diep River / Table Bay Nature Reserve  (just across Woodbridge Island) it is a real shame to have witnessed the deterioration of this significant natural ecosystem in Cape Town.