01 August 2024

Intaka Island, Cape Town Bird ID List

Intaka Island Bird Identity Checklist

African Sacred Ibis Intaka Island Copyright Vernon Chalmers
African Sacred Ibis Intaka Island, Century City, Cape Town

Comprises of species that have been recorded since the development of Intaka Wetland Reserve

Below is a sample copy of the official 'Intaka Island  Bird Check List' that is available in hard copy at the Intaka Island Environmental Centre Reception in Century City, Cape Town. This is a great 'old school' educational tool for identifying and learning more about the different bird species during a visit to the Intaka Island Wetland Reserve.

According to he Intaka Island website there are approximately 120 bird species in the area. This list is just short of the 120 species.

Last Updated: 2017

Visit www.intaka.co.za for more information

Intaka Island Bird ID Check List
Intaka Island Century City Bird Checklist

Alphabetical Listing of the Common Naming Convention of above Bird Species List

  • African Sacred Ibis

  • African Black Swift

  • African Darter

  • African Paradise Flycatcher

  • African Purple Swamphen

  • African Reed Warble

  • African Snipe

  • African Spoonbill

  • Alpine Swift

  • Ballon's Crake

  • Banded Martin

  • Barn Swallow

  • Black Crake

  • Black Sparrowhawk

  • Black-Crowned Night Heron

  • Black-Saw Wing

  • Black-Shouldered Kite

  • Blacksmith Lapwing

  • Black-Winged Stilt

  • Bokmakierie

  • Brimstone Canary

  • Brown-Throated Martin

  • Buchels Coucal

  • Cape Batis

  • Cape Bulbul

  • Cape Longclaw

  • Cape Robin-Chat

  • Cape Shoveller

  • Cape Sisken

  • Cape Sparrow

  • Cape Spurfowl

  • Cape Teal

  • Cape Turtle Dove

  • Cape Wagtail

  • Cape Weaver

  • Cape White-Eye

  • Cattle Egret

  • Common Fiscal

  • Common Greenshank

  • Common Moorhen

  • Common Starling

  • Common Waxbill

  • Diederik Cuckoo

  • Egyptian Goose

  • European Bee-Eater

  • Fan-Tailed Cisticola

  • Feral Pigeon

  • Fiscal Flycatcher

  • Giant Kingfisher

  • Glossy Ibis

  • Great Crested Grebe

  • Great White Pelican

  • Greater Flamingo

  • Greater Painted Snipe

  • Greater Striped Swallow

  • Grey Headed Gull

  • Grey Heron

  • Hartlaub's Gull

  • Helmeted guineafowl

  • Hottentot Teal

  • House Sparrow

  • Jackal Buzzard

  • Karoo Prinia

  • Kelp Gull

  • Kittlitz's Plover

  • Klaas's Cuckoo

  • Lanner Falcon

  • Laughing Dove

  • Lesser Flamingo

  • Lessor Swamp Warbler

  • Levaland's Cisticola

  • Little Bittern

  • Little Egret

  • Little Grebe

  • Little Rush Warbler

  • Little Swift

  • Malachite Kingfisher

  • Malachite Sunbird

  • Marsh Sandpiper

  • Olive Thrush

  • Peregrine Falcon

  • Pied Avocet

  • Pied Crow

  • Pied Kingfisher

  • Pin-Tailed Whydah

  • Purple Heron

  • Red-Billed Teal

  • Red-Eyed Dove

  • Red-Faced Mousebird

  • Red-Knobbed Coot

  • Red-Winged Starling

  • Reed Cormorant

  • Rock Kestrel

  • Rufus-Chested Sparrowhawk

  • Sothern Red Bishop

  • Southern Double-Breasted Sunbird

  • Southern Masked Weaver

  • Speckled Pigeon

  • Spotted Eagle Owl

  • Spotted Thick-Knee

  • Spur-Winged Goose

  • Swift Term

  • Three-Banded Plover

  • Water Thick-Knee

  • White-Backed Duck

  • White-Breasted Cormorant

  • White-Faced Duck

  • White-Rumped Swift

  • White-Throated Swallow

  • Wood Sandpiper

  • Yellow Bishop

  • Yellow Canary

  • Yellow-Billed Duck

  • Yellow-Billed Egret

  • Yellow-Billed Kite

Vernon Chalmers Photography Training Intaka Island | Kirstenbosch Garden | Woodbridge Island