18 January 2023

Commercial Reproduction of Vernon Chalmers Images

Commercial Reproduction of Vernon Chalmers Photography  Images
Commercial Reproduction of Vernon Chalmers Photography  Images

No Vernon Chalmers Photography (VCP) image may be used for business, corporate, industrial or individual commercial reproduction use on any medium (including any digital format).

This is applicable to any artistic, creative, educational, retail and other banner display(s) and / or commercial distribution on any format including any type of paper, plastics, textiles, metal, wood, glass and / or digital display.

Additional clarification is available from Vernon Chalmers / VCP Legal Representative.

Non-commercial users please refer to: Drawing, Painting, Sketching and Superimposing in the VCP Copyright / Intellectual Property Policy.

Copyright / Intellectual Property Policy Index:
  • Summary
  • Copyright Protection
  • Commercial Reproduction
  • Drawing, Painting, Sketching and Superimposing
  • Image Locations
  • Image Copyright and Media / Press Releases
  • Images for Canon South Africa
  • Crediting of VCP Images
  • Images not For Sale
  • Sharing images on Social Media
  • Using images without Permission
  • Contact Vernon Chalmers

Image Copyright Information for South African Photographers >>

Vernon Chalmers Photography Copyright | Intellectual Property Policy >>

© Symbol Image: Copyright Free from Pixabay