28 June 2022

Table Mountain over Woodbridge Island with Samsung Smartphone

I went down for my work / birds in flight here with my Canon EOS 7D Mark II / 400mm lens at Woodbridge Island this morning and there was not (really) a single bird in sight (or flight).

Table Mountain over Woodbridge Island with Samsung Smart Phone
From the Diep River : Table Mountain over the Milnerton Lighthouse / Woodbridge Island
I did something I rarely do - an environmental / landscape capture of our natural world with my phone - for all and of course, for a very special French lady of the past two years - who entered my world out of the 'blue', "merci, tu viens de rendre le bleu, plus bleu et le vert plus vert ce matin..."

Location: Table Mountain over the Diep River, Milnerton Lighthouse and Woodbridge Island

Equipment: Samsung Galaxy A22 (Quad Camera) 

Samsung A22 Default Exposure Mode
  • ISO: 50
  • Aperture: f1/8
  • Shutter Speed: 1/120s
  • Focal Length: 4.65mm

Exposure Source: Adobe Lightroom

Copyright: Vernon Chalmers