01 December 2021

Canon Camera News and Resources 2022

Canon Camera News and Resource / Information

Canon Camera News and Resources 2021 Website Update
Image Credit : Canon USA

Canon Camera News and Resources 2022 Website Update

: Up-to-date listing of Canon camera news and various other supporting resources for the global Canon camera owner / enthusiast consumer market.

Domain / Website Owner: Vernon Chalmers

Website: Canon Camera News 2022

Advertising Circulation: 1 000 000 + global in-Page Ad Views per Quarter since 2013.

Country Reach per Annum: 180 +

Global City Reach per Month: 4000 +

International Advertising Partner: Google AdSense

Internet Marketing Strategy | Content Updates: Vernon Chalmers

Sources / Reference: Up-to-date information from official Canon International sources with regard to:
  • Canon Corporate News
  • Canon Corporate Events
  • Canon Sponsorships
  • Canon Cinema EOS System Press Releases
  • Canon EOS R3 Mirrorless Press Releases
  • Canon EOS DSLR / EOS M Press Releases
  • Canon Speedlight Flash Press Releases
  • Canon PowerShot Press Releases
  • Canon Photography Competitions
  • Canon EF / RF / EF-S / EF-M lens Press Releases
  • Canon DPP Digital Desktop Professional Updates
  • Canon PIXMA and other printers
  • Canon EOS Firmware Updates
  • Canon EOS Virtual Reality
  • Canon Software Apps
  • Canon Projectors
  • Canon Binoculars
  • Canon User Manuals
  • Canon Upcoming New Cameras