01 January 2022

Birds on a foggy morning | Table Bay Nature Reserve

Low Light Photography at Woodbridge Island / Table Bay Nature Reserve

Yellow-Billed Duck in the Diep River Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island Photo Vernon Chalmers
Yellow-billed duck : Diep River : Table Bay Nature Reserve

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday's glorious morning turned into a thick fog layer all over the Diep River and the Table Bay Nature Reserve, Woodbridge Island  - with poor light and visibility all round.

I walked into the reserve and waited for more than hour for the fog to lift somewhat. Nevertheless, I managed a few shots in these challenging conditions. I spotted two black-headed herons - interesting they don't go near any of the grey herons in the reserve - keeping very much a steady distance.

Birds of the morning:
  • Yellow-billed duck
  • Reed cormorant in flight
  • Yellow-billed duck in flight
  • Pied kingfisher in flight (with fish)

Cape Town Location
Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island, Milnerton

Canon Camera / Lens Settings
  • Canon EOS 7D Mark II Body
  • EF 400mm f/5.6L USM Lens
  • Manual Mode: Auto-ISO: 250 - 800
  • Aperture: f/5.6
  • Shutter Speed: 1/1000 - 1/3200
  • AI Servo: Case 1: Wide Zone
  • 10 fps High Speed Continuous Mode
  • Handheld

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC 9.4: Cropping. Colour correction / noise reduction / lens profile correction

Reed Cormorant in Flight Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island Photo Vernon Chalmers
Reed Cormorant in Flight Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island

Yellow-Billed Duck in Flight Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island Photo Vernon Chalmers
Yellow-Billed Duck in Flight Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island

Pied Kingfisher in Flight Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island Photo Vernon Chalmers
Pied Kingfisher in Flight Table Bay Nature Reserve Woodbridge Island

Birds in Flight Photography Cape Town View

Bird Species Woodbridge Island, Cape Town View