04 August 2017

Rebecca Harris Using an Image Without Permission

Rebecca Harris Using a Vernon Chalmers Image Without Permission
It came to my attention that Rebecca Harris from Rebecca Harris at www.rebzharris.com is using a Vernon Chalmers copyrighted image without permission.

When visiting the Rebecca Harris website the Vernon Chalmers copyrighted image is located towards the right top side.

Rebecca Harris is doing a dissertation about Wagtails and it is expected when post-graduate students do research they will be professional in their acquisition of images.

This is the Cape wagtail image that was taken by Rebecca Harris without permission from a Vernon Chalmers website in Cape Town, South Africa.

UPDATE: Rebecca Harris removed the Vernon Chalmers Photography Cape Wagtail image, but it is still present in the Google Image Search Index associated with the www.rebzharris.com domain name.

No Apology ever received from Rebecca Harris (27 March 2024)

Cape Wagtail by Vernon Chalmers used Without Permission by Rebecca Harris
Cape Wagtail by Vernon Chalmers used Without Permission by Rebecca Harris

Copyright Infringement Warning to South African Photographers