11 May 2016

New 'From Snapshot to Great Shots' Book Arrivals for Review

I received these two brand new 2016 hard copy titles from Pearson South Africa this morning - and I am sure, like me, there are many of you that will be keen to read / see more about these camera / photographic topics on offer from Pearson.

Once done with the reviews I will publish both on my websites and update all via Facebook et al.

From Snapshots to Great Shots titles
  • A Photographer's Guide to Focus and Autofocus - From Snapshots to Great Shots by Alan Hess
  • Time Lapse Photography, Long Exposure & Other Tricks of Time - From Snapshots to Great Shots by John Carucci   

A Photographer's Guide to Focus and Autofocus - From Snapshots to Great Shots by Alan Hess Time Lapse Photography, Long Exposure & Other Tricks of Time - From Snapshots to Great Shots by John Carucci

Other Vernon Chalmers Camera / Photography Book Reviews / Recommendations