01 June 2021

Bird Flight - An Illustrated Study Of Birds' Aerial Mastery

Bird Flight - An Illustrated Study Of Birds' Aerial Mastery
Bird Flight  Front Cover
Bird Flight - An Illustrated Study Of Birds' Aerial Mastery
Robert Burton 1990 (hard copy)

During 2016 I received a copy of this fascinating book from one of my Birds in Flight Photography Workshop delegates. As an avid Birds in Flight photographer around Woodbridge Island, Cape Town I'm delighted for adding this book to my photography book collection.

The stunning selection of more than 120 birds in flight images and the research / graphic detail of bird flight biology is presented in a well illustrated ornithological study by an experienced writer of natural history books.

Book Availability
Bird Flight is still available on Amazon and a few other Online Retailers.

Chapter Contents

Conquering the Air

  • Into the air 
  • Evolution of bird flight 
  • Learning how birds fly 

The Bird as a Flying Machine

  • Basic principles 
  • The wing of the bird 
  • Spreading the wing 
  • Feathers 
  • Gliding 
  • The tail 
  • Flapping flight 
  • Power for flight 
  • Power and speed 
  • What speed to fly 
  • Built for flight 
  • Fuel for flying 
  • Heart and lungs 
  • Flight maintenance 
  • Moulting 

Flying Skills

  • Taking off 
  • Landing 
  • Control of flight 
  • Fine control 

Styles of Flight

  • Wings and flight 
  • Free-wheeling 
  • Soaring 
  • Ground effect 
  • Formation flying 
  • Hovering

Living in the Air

  • Time in the air 
  • Flight for feeding 
  • Flying to avoid predators 
  • Flight for migration 
  • Flight for breeding 
  • First flight 

Bird Flight - An Illustrated Study Of Birds' Aerial Mastery
Bird Flight  Back Cover