18 April 2018

Update: Restoration of the wooden bridge, Woodbridge Island

The Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island  :  Copyright Vernon Chalmers
The Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island : Copyright Vernon Chalmers
Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island Restoration Update

As far back as December 2015 I started tracking the Restoration of the wooden bridge Woodbridge Island as an intention of the City of Cape Town for starting with the restoration of the wooden bridge, Woodbridge Island

Latest Update: Restoration of the Wooden Bridge (Aug 2019)

In an article in the TableTalk newspaper (20/4/2016) there was an update outlining more detail with regard to the City of Cape Town's restoration planning of the wooden bridge, Woodbridge Island.

TableTalk 18 April 2018 Update
According to the Tabletalk newspaper front page article - Wooden bridge upgrades imminentupgrades to the wooden bridge will begin shortly now that a R20.5 million tender has been awarded to Ruwacon Construction for upgrading the wooden bridge at Woodbridge Island.

The National Department of Transport confirmed to Tabletalk: "Once the restoration work has been completed the (wooden) bridge will provide a fully functional non-motorised transport link between Woodbridge Island and the exisitng cycling and walking lane, and the IRT facilities that run along Marine Drive" (Source: TableTalk 18/4/2018)

2019 Update Links: Restoration of the wooden bridge, Woodbridge Island View>>

Article in TableTalk
Article in TableTalk

Woodbridge Island Bridges, Milnerton Cape Town
Woodbridge Island Bridges, Milnerton Cape Town

Milnerton Lighthouse Woodbridge Island, Cape Town
Milnerton Lighthouse Woodbridge Island, Cape Town

Table Mountain Cape Town From Milnerton
Table Mountain Cape Town From Milnerton

The Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island  :  Copyright Vernon Chalmers
The Wooden Bridge, Woodbridge Island  :  Copyright Vernon Chalmers
History of Milnerton / Woodbridge Island